Corporate Responsibility
Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2024/2025
This statement is made by Morris Homes Group Ltd (Morris Homes) on its own behalf and on behalf of its subsidiary companies including; Morris Homes North Limited, Morris Homes Eastern Limited and Morris Homes Midlands Limited. The Board have approved this statement which is made in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the MSA).
Morris Homes does not allow the use of modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chain. We will continue to review and update annually this statement in accordance with the MSA.
Our Business
Morris Homes and its subsidiary companies develop homes and neighbourhoods in the UK. Morris Homes’ business model recognises that it operates in a cyclical property market where developments can take a number of years to progress from inception, through planning and construction, to completion. This means that the turnover of individual Group companies can vary year on year, taking them above and below the £36 million modern slavery reporting threshold.
Supply Chain
Morris Homes’ regional development companies in Wilmslow and Rugby administer a database of approved construction sub-contractors on behalf of the Group. Initial vetting of contractors before their use on developments is a key function performed by Commercial Directors within each operating division. Sometimes main contractors are used by the divisions where construction requires a single point of contact with design responsibility or there is a single end-user. While there are some limited aspects of the supply chain that are unique to the individual operating companies (for example requirements to use local labour under planning agreements), most of Morris companies’ supply chains are appointed through regional call-off agreements.
A limited quantity of material is sourced directly from suppliers, with the majority of the materials being procured by the contractors engaged to carry out works. Therefore Morris Homes can be several steps removed from the procurement of labour and materials. Nonetheless Morris Homes exercises some degree of control over the sourcing of supplies used on developments and has a long history of sourcing sustainable materials for use on its developments.
One of Morris Homes’ key objectives is to make a significant, long-term contribution to the environment and the social and economic fabric of communities in which it works and its goals is to work with its supply chain to achieve this.
During the year we reviewed our Anti-Slavery, Human Trafficking and Human Rights Policy, Whistleblowing and Disclosure and Bullying and Harassment policies. Ongoing work will continue on this to ensure they are embedded into the workplace. Work is currently being undertaken on a new Company Intranet site which will then ensure availability to all our employees. We expect everyone who works with us or on behalf of us to support and uphold our policies in relation to modern slavery.
Risk Assessment & Due Diligence
During 2024, we reviewed our processes and systems. In terms of our supply chain and structure there is currently a low overall risk of modern slavery and human right abuses occurring in our own operations. In addition we do not deem our national suppliers to be high risk, given the amount of business we do with them. Many of these national suppliers will have produced their own Modern Slavery Statements.
As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we have in place the systems to;
- Identify and assess potential risks areas in our supply chain
- Mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains
- Monitor potential risk areas in our supply chains
- Protect Whistle blowing
- We have zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking.
During 2025 we will risk assess new suppliers and request information from existing suppliers on a regular basis.
Acts to address risks
We are taking all reasonable levels of assurance and are undertaking the following activities on an ongoing basis to assess and address these risks;
- Conducting an internal risk assessment to identify the Group’s suppliers.
- Consulting with any Suppliers whom we identified as a risk
- Reviewing the Company’s existing contractual arrangements
- Reviewing anti-slavery training
During 2024 we have evaluated the training needs of the Company employees and provided training to employees to ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business.
During 2025 we will be embedding this with a review of e-learning facilitation.
2025 Objectives
In order to monitor the effectiveness of our approach to modern slavery we propose the following steps for 2025:
- We will look to engage more with our suppliers and contractors to seek further assurances
- We will further embed employee understanding by training
- We will continue to monitor changes within its supply chain and update its approach accordingly
This statement has been approved by the Board of Morris Homes Group Limited and its subsidiary companies on the 18th September 2024.
Joanne Iddon
Group Finance Director